Center 1127 / Computing Sciences Research
Former members of 1127:
- Agrawal, Vishwani => Agere => Auburn University (emeritus)
- Aho, Al => Columbia University => retired (now in NC)
- Alur, Rajeev => University of Pennsylvania
- Baird, Henry => Xerox PARC => Lehigh => retired
- Baker, Brenda => consulting
- Basu, Anindya => Morgan Stanley
- Bartal, Yair => Israel
- Bentley, Jon => Avaya => retired
- Berenbaum, Alan => Agere => consulting => deceased (27/1/2016)
- Bleichenbacher, Daniel => Switzerland
- Blue, Jim => NIST => retired
- Blume, Matthias => Toyota Technological Institute, Chicago => Google
- Bounimova, Ella => Lucent WNG => Microsoft
- Bourne, Steve => SGI => DEC => Sun => Cisco => El Dorado Ventures
- Branigan, Steve => Lumeta
- Brown, Stan => retired => deceased 1/16/2013
- Browning, Sally => Silicon Graphics => Bell Labs => consulting => Galois, Inc => retired
- Businger, Peter => law
- Canaday, Rudd => ministry => Entefy
- Cardelli, Luca => DEC => Microsoft UK => Oxford
- Carr, Caryl => medicine => weaving
- Cargill, Tom => consultant
- Chandra, Satish => IBM Research, New Delhi, India
- Chekuri, Chandra => University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne
- Cheswick, Bill => Lumeta => AT&T => retired
- Chesson, Greg => SGI => Atheros => Google => deceased (27 june 2015)
- Clarkson, Ken => IBM Almaden
- Coughran, Bill => Bell Labs Research Silicon Valley => => Google => Sequoia Capital
- Dams, Dennis => Bell Labs Antwerp => TNO Netherlands
- Ditzel, Dave => Sun => Transmeta => Intel => ThruChip =>
- Dorward, Sean => SandBridge => Google
- Du, Vic => Google NYC
- Duff, Tom => Pixar => retired
- Dwyer, Harry => Lucent Microelectronics => Villanova => independent
- Emlin, Grace => relocated, witness protection program
- Elliot, Jane => Bellcore => retired
- Van Enk, Stephen => Physics Research
- Etessami, Kousha => Univ. Edinburgh
- Farach-Colton, Martin => Rutgers => Google
- Feldman, Stu => Bellcore => IBM => Google => retired => Schmidt Philantrophies
- Felty, Amy => University of Ottawa
- Flandrena, Bob => Morgan Stanley => retired (France)
- Fraser, Chris => Microsoft => Google => Concurix => Polyverse
- Fortune, Steve => Google NY (9/14/2015) => retired?
- Freund, Roland => UC Davis
- Fuchs, Chris => Physics Research => Perimeter Institute
- Fullerton, Wayne => deceased
- Gabber, Eran => Google
- Gajewska, Hania => DEC => Sun => Poland raising dogs
- Gay, David => AMPL Optimization LLC => Sandia => AMPL Optimization
- Gentleman, Morven => National Research Council of Canada => Dalhousie University => deceased 12/13/2018
- George, Lal => Network Speed Technologies => Lehman Brothers NY => Walmart
- Giancarlo, Raffaele => Universita di Palermo
- Glick, Paul => consulting => Columbia
- Godefroid, Patrice => Microsoft => Lacework
- Grampp, Fred => Lucent CIO security => retired => deceased
- Grosse, Eric => Google => retired
- Gunther, Elsa => University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne
- Hall, Andy => Alliant => Sun => Sybase => BEA (now Oracle)
- Hamming, Richard => Naval Postgraduate School => deceased
- Heintze, Nevin => Agere => Google
- Hobby, John => post-1127 survivor
- Hogan, David => deceased
- Holzmann, Gerard => NASA/JPL, Laboratory for Reliable Software => Nimble Research
- Howe, Doug => Carleton University
- Huelsbergen, Lorenz => Google => Upthere
- Jeremiassen, Tor => TI => Google
- Hodgins, Jessica => Georgia Tech => CMU
- Johnson, Steve => ... => MathWorks => ... (startup)
- Kahrs, Mark => Rutgers => Univ. Pittsburgh => consulting
- Kanakia, Hemant => AT&T Labs => Torrent Networking Technologies (acquired by Ericsson) => India
- Kaufman, Linda => William Paterson College => retired
- Kaxiras, Stefanos => Agere => Univ of Patras, Greece => Uppsala Univ., Sweden
- Kernighan, Brian => Princeton Univ
- Keshav, S. => AT&T Labs => Cornell => Ensim Corp. => U of Waterloo -> Cambridge U.
- Jukl, Milan => AT&T Labs => Cadence
- Klarlund, Nils => Google
- Knowlton, Ken
- Kurshan, Bob => Cadence (deceased 3/10/2021)
- Lee, David => Bell Labs Research, Beijing => Ohio State => HP
- Lee, Wonsuk => Samsung Software Research Center => Samsung Mobile Buss. Div. (Korea) => Seoul National Univ. (Korea) => SK Hynix (US)
- Lesk, Ann => law => => ?
- Lesk, Mike => Bellcore => NSF => Rutgers => retired (2023)
- Leue, Stefan => Univ of Waterloo => Univ of Freiburg => Univ of Konstanz
- Levin, Vladimir => Lucent WNG => Microsoft
- Leonid Libkin => U. of Toronto => Univ. Edinburgh
- Lin, Dong => NetApp
- Lin, Shen => retired
- Locanthi, Bart => startup => Google (=> Switzerland)
- Lubachevsky, Boris => consulting
- Mahaney, Steve => DIMACS => NSF => deceased 26 june 2007
- Mackenzie, Phil => DoCoMo Labs
- MacQueen, Dave => Univ Chicago => retired (2012)
- Manasse, Mark => DEC, Compaq => Microsoft Research => Salesforce => i2chain
- McIlroy, M. Douglas => retired => Dartmouth
- McKie, Jim => Cisco -> deceased June 16, 2020
- McLellan, Rae => retired
- McMahon, Lee => deceased
- Mencer, Oskar => Imperial College, London
- Mitchell, John => Stanford
- Monrose, Fabian => Johns Hopkins
- Morgan, Sam => retired => deceased may 19, 2015
- Morris, Bob => NSA => retired (deceased 26 June 2011)
- Morris, Robert T. => Harvard => Y Combinator founder => MIT
- Mullender, Sape => Cisco => retired
- Namjoshi, Kedar => post-1127 survivor
- Neumann, Peter => SRI
- Ordille, Joann => Database Systems Research Department => Avaya => Lafayette College
- Ossanna, Joe => deceased
- Oswald, Peter => International University Bremen
- Paone, Judy => BOC => retired
- Parseghian, Pat => Transmeta => Sun => Google => retired
- Peled, Doron => Univ. Texas ece => Univ. Warwick => Bar-Ilan Univ. Israel
- Pavlidis, Theo => SUNY Stony Brook => retired
- Pike, Rob => Google (in Australia) => retired
- Presotto, David => Google => retired?
- Puchol, Carlos => Transmeta => Nvidia => Amahi
- Pucella, Riccardo => Cornell
- Puri, Anuj => Berkeley
- Quinlan, Sean => Google
- Reppy, John => Univ Chicago
- Riecke, Jon => Aleri => Google (NY)
- Ritchie, Dennis => deceased (9 Oct. 2011)
- Rose, Don => Duke => deceased 6/12/2015
- Ryder, Barbara => Rutgers => Va Tech => retired?
- Salamon, Todd => post-1127 survivor
- Savari, Serap => Univ Michigan => Texas AM Univ.
- Sethi, Ravi => President Research, Avaya => retired => U of Arizona
- Sitar, Ed => retired
- Smith, Margaret => NASA/JPL, Pasadena, CA => retired (1/1/2017)
- Szymanski, Tom => Avaya => Google => retired
- Shoji, Masakazu => retired
- Sleator, Danny => CMU
- Thompson, Ken => => Google => retired
- Traub, Joe => Columbia => deceased 8/24/15
- Trickey, Howard => Google
- Tulone, Daniela => CNR Italy
- Ullman, Jeff => Stanford => retired
- Van Wyk, Chris => Drew => Peddie School
- Vardapetyan, Leon => Ansoft => ANSYS => Quantlab Financial
- Venutolo, John => Hannah Real Estate / retired
- Vyssotsky, Vic => DEC CRL => retired => deceased (12/24/2012)
- Wadler, Phil => Avaya => Univ. Edinburgh
- Warner, Dan => Clemson => retired
- Walters, Ed => Agere
- Weinberger, Peter => AT&T Labs => Renaissance Technologies => Google
- White, Chris => NEC Labs
- Wilson, Norman => University of Toronto => York University => University of Toronto
- Winterbottom, Phil => Bell Labs Research Silicon Valley => => Ericsson => Gainspeed => Nokia => Fathom Computing => Celestial AI
- Wright, Margaret => NYU => retired 6/2022
- Yagati, Lakshman => Google => Facebook => Google
- Yannakakis, Mihalis => Avaya => Stanford => Columbia Univ.
- Young, Cliff => D.E.Shaw => Google
- Zhang, Lisa => post-1127 survivor
Number of people on this list who are at, or retired from, Google: 26 (~17%).
Number of people who appear on the 1127 org-charts I have (Sep. 1980 to Feb. 2003),
and who remain after the disappearance of 1127: 5 (~4%).
Others helped to found AT&T Labs in 1996:
- Cherry, Lorinda => retired => deceased 2/2022
- Colbry, Brian => left AT&T
- Condon, Joe, => retired => deceased (jan. 2011)
- Feigenbaum, Joan => Yale
- Feldmann, Anja => Technical University Munich
- Fraser, Sandy => Fraser Research => retired => deceased 6/13/2022
- Gray, Sharon => retired
- Hume, Andrew, AT&T => Ericsson
- Kalmanek, Chuck => MongoDB
- Kaplan, Alan => Unique Technical Solutions
- Killian, Tom
- Koenig, Andy => retired/consultant
- Lund, Carsten
- Marotta, Dom => retired
- Marshall, Bill
- Pinson, Elliot => retired
- Phillips, Steven => left at&t
- Ramakrishnan, K.K. => Teraoptic Networks => AT&T => Rutgers => UC Riverside
- Reingold, Nick => deceased
- Restrick, Bob => Teraoptic Networks => AT&T => retired (now in SC)
- Schryer, Norm => retired => deceased (12/30/2016)
- Stroustrup, Bjarne => Texas A&M / Columbia Univ. / Morgan Stanley => Columbia Univ.
last update January 10, 2025